Property Mappings
Map properties in other documents (SolidWorks, OLE, or AutoCAD) to SolidWorks Workgroup PDM properties.
The attributes mapped to Workgroup PDM properties Number, Description, and custom properties are read in every time the document is checked in. For example, if you change the custom property in SolidWorks mapped to Number, the new value appears at the next check-in.
Property Mappings buttons are available in the following VaultAdmin locations:
Properties tab
Projects tab, Bulk Check In dialog box
Define Workgroup PDM properties on the VaultAdmin Properties tab.
SolidWorks or OLE (*.xls, *.doc)
SolidWorks documents for mapping can be parts (.sldprt), assemblies (.sldasm), or drawings (.slddrw). OLE documents can be Excel (.xls) or Word (.doc).
Workgroup PDM maps Author, Number, Revision, Project, Description, and Status. Author, Project, and Status are not read on check-in.
To map properties:
Under Workgroup PDM Property, both Workgroup PDM properties and custom properties specified on the Properties tab are listed.
Under SolidWorks Property or OLE Property, type a name or select from the list in the corresponding row for each property that you want to map. You are not required to map every property.
Reset to Defaults Load from file. Click to load the properties from a SolidWorks or OLE file. In the dialog box, type a file name or browse to a file, then click OK. Lists of properties from the file are now available for each row.
When you have finished adding properties, click OK.
Map title block attributes in an AutoCAD (.dwg) file that either has a title block or is a title block. When the attributes have been mapped, you can check in AutoCAD files that follow the same format.
AutoCAD Title Block Options. Click to specify options for AutoCAD attributes during check-in.
To map AutoCAD attributes:
Add a block name under Attribute Map. Click Add New to bring up the Mapping AutoCAD Attributes dialog box, add a block name, and click OK. The block name appears in the Attribute Map list.
Repeat step 1 until all blocks are added.
To edit an item, select the item and click Edit. The Mapping AutoCAD Attributes dialog box appears with the item available for editing.
To delete an item, select the item and click Delete. The item is deleted immediately.
To reorder the items, select an item and click Move Down or Move Up.
The order of the blocks is the search order.
Click OK.