Bump Document Revision
You can change the revision number without opening or checking in the document.
You must have ownership of the document to bump the revision. Also, the vault administrator must have enabled revision bumping on the Vault Settings tab of VaultAdmin.
When you bump the revision of a drawing document, the information is entered into the document properties but does not appear in the drawing’s title block or in its revision table. To update a drawing’s title block and revision table, use Check in Document.
To bump a document revision number:
Right-click a document in the vault view and select Bump Revision. In the SolidWorks Explorer client, right-click a document and select Bump Revision.
In the Bump Revision dialog box, make choices as described below and click OK.
Select new revision for documents
Choose either Next logical revision for each or Specify. If you choose Specify, select a revision from the list, which includes the revisions specified in the VaultAdmin. If you select Other, type the revision in the box that opens below.
Note. Type a note (optional). Notes appear in the Note column on the History/Notes tab in the Document Information dialog box and in the SolidWorks Explorer client window.
The Bumped Rev event is noted in the Action column on the History/Notes tab in the Document Information dialog box and in the SolidWorks Explorer client window.
Choose which documents are to increment their revision numbers.
Selected item.
Documents’ children (all items under selected). Change revision for the selected document’s children. Choose either First level children only or All children.
As built has new child revisions. If cleared, child files retain their current revision levels in the as-built assembly. For example, if you bump an assembly from A-01 to A-02, the references remain at A-01. If selected, all child file revisions are bumped to the same level, so Reporting shows the assembly and its references in this example all at revision A-02.
Do not change if document is a link. Do not change the revision number if the document resides in another project and is referenced by a link