Copy Project

Copy a project to a new project. The new project name, project description, and file names must be unique.

To copy a project:

  1. On the VaultAdmin Projects tab, under Project information, select a Project, then click Copy Project.

SolidWorks Explorer tip Copy Project You must have at least read permission for the project to copy it.

  1. In the Copy Project dialog box, set the options described below, then click Copy Project.

Source Project

Select. Choose a project from the list of projects in the vault.

Include Sub Projects. Include the subprojects with the specified project.

Destination Project

New Name. The word Copy is appended to the source project name. You can edit the name. The name must be unique in the vault.

Description. The word Copy is appended to the source project description. You can edit the description. The description must be unique in the vault, but it can be the same as the new project name.

Parent. The parent of the source project is shown. You can choose another parent from the list of projects in the vault.

Options to make new document names unique

Action. Select either Append document names or Prefix document names. Type a value in With and click Apply. To reverse the action, click Remove Action.

SolidWorks Explorer tip Copy Project If the action results in file names that duplicate names already in the vault, the file names are displayed in red.

Advanced Select / Replace. Click to replace text or add a prefix or suffix to file names. You can select or clear file names with the same action.

Documents and Projects

The documents and subprojects in the specified project are listed in a table.

  • Select or clear documents and subprojects to be copied.

  • Edit text in the table cells.

  • Right-click column headers and select Hide Column, Unhide Column, Save Header State, and so on.

  • Double-click column headers to access Workgroup PDM – Select / Replace .

  • In the Owner column, select a different owner for individual documents from the list.

Copy Project